Piazza Fratelli Cairoli, 1, 06049 Spoleto PG, Italy

Compte-Rendu Of Three Exhibitions

 15th – 16th October 2022
Palazzo Collicola, Spoleto

The Marignoli di Montecorona Foundation has organised this conference to be held at Spoleto, so as to bring relevant scholars together with the curators of three exhibitions largely dedicated to Eighteenth Century Rome that had been planned for 2020, and, owing to the pandemic, have suffered a difficult scheduling progress: Challenge to the Baroque. Rome Turin Paris 1680-1750 (Turin, La Venaria Reale, 2020); Work in progress. Works from the Galleria d’Arte Moderna di Palazzo Collicola and from The Marignoli di Montecorona Fondation (Spoleto, Palazzo Collicola, 2021); La grande bellezza. Art in Rome in the Eighteenth Century, 1700-1758 (Ajaccio, Palais Fesch, 2022). It is hoped that this occasion will supply an in-depth focus on the themes explored in the three exhibitions, and on the new studies that have resulted from them, as well as the possibility of gaging their reception by visitors.

The curators of this compte-rendu, or report, Simonetta Prosperi Valenti Rodinò and Duccio K. Marignoli, have chosen to call these two days of study, taking place on Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th October at the Palazzo Collicola of Spoleto, Compte-rendu of three exhibitions so as to specifically underline how the interface between scholars and curators can generate stimulating new considerations that have resulted from these three important events and that have given new vigour to the study of Eighteenth Century Rome.

The conference sessions will be held in the Salone d’Onore, or Hall of Honour, of Palazzo Collicola which has a limited capacity of fifty places, while another room will be provided with live-streaming of the event to accommodate further attendees.

On Saturday 15th October, the conference will begin with an afternoon session starting at 4.00 pm.
On Sunday 16th October, the morning session will start at 9.00 am; an on-site lunch-break is scheduled prior to the afternoon session and the conclusion of the conference.
The study sessions will be filmed so as to document the event and to make it available on-line on a new channel of The Marignoli di Montecorona Foundation.

Conference programme and complete schedule


Saturday 15th October, afternoon session

Sunday 16th October, morning session

Sunday 16th October, afternoon session


Useful contacts:
The Marignoli di Montecorona Foundation
Piazza Fratelli Cairoli 1, 06049 Spoleto (PG), Italia

For further information on the study days:
Michele Drascek – Projects Curator
M: +39 331 5852268

For information on accommodation and hospitality:
Livia Nocchi – Logistics Secretary
M: +39 329 0647914

For information on the location of the study days:
Palazzo Collicola
Piazza Collicola 1, 06049 Spoleto (PG), Italia
T: + 39 0743 46434

compte-rendu of three exhibitions